By Fritz Reimenschneider

The Lodge was named in honor of Johann Heinrich Daniel Zchokke who was born on March 22, 1771 in Magdenburg, Germany.  Heinrich Zchokke was a well-known and distinguished author and poet.

On July 02, 1850, Brothers P. Merkle, H. Hoffmann, D. Kniehling, F.P. Finkelmaier, A.Guellich, and F. Muehlhauser, members of Independent Lodge Number 185 F. & A.M., and Brother X. Borchart of York Lodge Number 197 F. & A.M., formed Zschokke Lodge which received its’ first charter and number 23 from St. Johns Grand Lodge.  On December 27, 1850, the Grand Lodge of the State of New York then assigned Zchokke Lodge the number 202.

The first meeting took place on August 08, 1850 in Warren Hall.  The Officers of St. John’s Grand Lodge installed the first Master, Philip Merkle, and the remaining officers of Zchokke Lodge.

Zchokke Lodge Number 202 was the Mother Lodge of Schiller lodge Number 304, then later on, the Grandmother Lodge of Copernicus Lodge Number 545.

Zchokke Lodge was active in the Ninth Manhattan District and took pride in many achievemments of its’ members.  Late in the 20th century, Zchokke Lodge experienced declining membership, aging of and relocation of many of its’ members.  This created a situation that made it impossible to function properly.  The remaining members voted to merge with and join their Granddaughter Lodge, Copernicus Lodge Number 545 F. & A.M. in 1998.